Community Education Classes

Claire Langton-Yanowitz, an attorney at Yanowitz Law Firm, is giving Rochester Community Education classes this March and April! These classes can help you learn about how to protect your assets, and create peace of mind and security for your family. A description of each class is listed below. You can register directly through Rochester Community Education by clicking on the links in each class description. Classes can fill up quick! Don’t wait to register.
A Snowbird’s Guide to Residency
Monday March 11th, 2019 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Click on this link to register.
Claire will explain the rules regarding income tax residency and estate tax residency. She will describe who needs to file income taxes in Minnesota and the factors the government considers when determining if an estate needs to file an estate tax return in Minnesota. Her presentation will also cover rules for non-residents who own real estate in Minnesota.
Passing Down the Farm, Small Business, or Family Cabin
Monday March 18th, 2019 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Click on this link to register.
Claire will discuss estate planning techniques to pass the cabin, farm, or business to the next generation. She will contrast the advantages and disadvantages of inheriting jointly, setting up a limited liability company or distributing property through a trust. She will describe the benefits of having a buy-sell agreement and techniques to ensure property stays in the family.
Estate Planning: Reduce Income, Estate, and Gift Taxes
Wednesday March 20th, 2019 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Click on this link to register.
In this class we will discuss techniques to reduce income, estate, and gift taxes. This presentation will discuss how to pass property to a spouse and future generations to reduce estate taxes and who an individual should name as beneficiaries of IRAs to reduce income taxes. Other items discussed will outline when an individual has to file a gift tax return and how to maximize gifts to charity and family members.
How to Title Your Property: Strategies to Avoid Probate and Protect Yourself
Monday April 8th, 2019 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Click on this link to register.
We will discuss strategies to transfer property at a loved one’s passing without going through probate. Claire will outline various alternatives including revocable living trusts, payable on death designations, and transfer on death deeds. We will discuss common mistakes people make in estate planning. This seminar will also examine techniques to pass down the family farm and cabin, safeguard property from divorce, lawsuits, bankruptcy, and how to provide for a disabled family member.
The Legalities When a Love One Passes
Wednesday April 17th, 2019 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Click on this link to register.
What happens when a loved one passes away? Claire will describe how probate works, (a court preceding that distributes a loved one’s property at death). She will also outline how to pass property at death without getting a court involved. Her presentation will cover how to title property to reduce taxes and the difference between a will and a revocable trust.